22 random things about me
1) My favorite channel, hands down, is NY1 - not only is their news relevant to me, but their theme song is out of this world!
2) I really want to be good at a lot of things, so I sign up for private lessons, but never take enough to get good at anything!
3) Running my own company is the ultimate goal, like for real, not just in my head. I'm on my way!!!
4) I want a dog desperately, but just can't justify the time commitment right now. I may as well enjoy my free time while I can. So to satisfy my want, I watch the puppycams on Ustream.tv all the time.
5) Antiquing is a thrill for me.
6) I wish Cleveland was as great a place now as it was when I grew up. I had the greatest childhood ever.
7) It never fails that people who meet me, still think they're being original by letting me know that my name rhymes with sexy.
8) My prized family possession are my family's front row, center court Cavaliers tickets.
9) Beenie is one of the most important people in my life...I hope you all get to meet her one day if you haven't.
10) I'd like to travel the world, way more than I have.
11) I've been to more summer camps than most people. All different types. NRA camp to learn about shooting guns & hunting, Squash camp at Harvard, Omish camp in the boondocks in Ohio, Soccer camp with International pro soccer players, Beechmont day camp where you learn to be a JAP, Canadian Adventure Camp specializing in gymnastics and many more.
12) My dad happens to be one of the most caring, giving, generous, humble, naturally smart & business-savvy guys you'll ever meet.
13) I am a big fan of Notorious BIG, however, I still really like white-people music like James Taylor & The Doors.
14) I can't believe I haven't mentioned anything about food! I love food :) Cooking it, eating it, reading about it, bugging my mom for recipes.
15) This whole new world of blogs really is awe-inspiring to me. I know I sound old saying that, but blogs really provide me with a whole new wealth of info into the interior design world of which I'm in love with.
16) The majority of my friends are people I've known almost my entire life.
17) My paternal grandparent's names are Ernie & Flo and they have license plates on their cars, one that says "Ernie" and the other that says "AND FLO"...They make sure they park in the correct spot in their garage so that you can read the plates properly.
18) I have a rec center at my dad's house in Cleveland, which has and indoor basketball/tennis court & indoor pool. It's really ridiculous to have one, but I'm thankful I do.
19) I'm really good at procrastinating, but I'm also really good at getting things done well at the last minute.
20) Owning a blackberry is both a great thing for me and also a terrible thing. I now feel like my thumbs are arthritic.
21)I look a lot different now than I used to, better supposedly, according to new friends who see old pictures of me. I'm hoping that's a good thing.
22) My family's lucky number is 222 - anything with 2 seems superstitiously to apply to us Tallismans...